Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Meet and Greet to Impruneta, then return on some favorite roads.

Nice meet and greet this morning with a couple of young people currently living in New York.  They both had pretty perfect English with American accents, so I thought they were both American.  It turns out Tim is from England and Sophia from Germany with an Austrian father.  They met at the International School in Munich where they both grew up.  Tim really did not sound English at all and I detected no German accent in Sophia.  They said the International (American) school did this for them.  They are off on a 3 day self guided tour and I took them to Impruneta where we had a cafe and discussed the maps and plan for the 3 days.  They were both fairly strong and I am sure they will have a great three days.  They were planning on the "hard core" option for today, so that speaks to their fitness and preparedness.  Have a great time.

I returned through Strada, San Polo, Capanuccia, and Grassina.  I love that road and had not ridden it in a while.  I need to stop at the recently renovated winery with lunch and tasting owned by Ruffina.  For me, 50.3 kilometers in 2:30 with 660 meters climbed.  A nice mellow day!

Tim and Sophia on the way to Impruneta.

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