Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mediofondo course in a strong wind.

Wind is an interesting thing on a road bike.  For me, not much can compare with wind for getting into my head, and basically sapping my energy level.  Today, pretty much the whole first half of the ride I was fighting a strong headwind, I would guess 25 mph steady with gusts in the 40 mph range.  The descent from Croce alle Vetta, usually quite fast, took lots of energy, pedalling downhill, and at times hanging on for dear life.  I guess the good part was the headwind was almost all in the first half of the ride, and when it becomes a tail wind, all of a sudden, the energy is back.  I stopped in Sant Agata, which is around 1/2 way for a cafe, had a conversation with some of the guys at the bar about the wind, and they said how cold the wind was, then was on my way.  The combination of the cafe and mostly changing direction, made the energy return to my system.

The course I rode included a tour around a big lake / reservoir, Lago Balincino, which is part of both the granfondo and mediofondo course, and adds around 15 kilometers to the ride.  Before the coffee stop, I was planning on not including it, but after the stop, enjoying the tail wind and the easy speed it allows, I included the tour of the lake.  Going around the lake gave me a chance to have a few more kilometers with a headwind, which only made me appreciate the tailwind more.  I would definitely rather have calm conditions for a ride, but a tailwind is sure nice.  Sunny day, good tour, and I dedicated today's ride to an acquaintance here who unfortunately is dying of cancer.  The latest report is only a couple of days left for him, so this one was for you Walter.  54.7 miles in 3:45 rolling time for an average speed of 14.6 mph with 4432 vertical feet climbed at a sun effected average temperature of 61. Even with the wind, still a great afternoon of riding.

mediofondo course in Mugello in lots of wind. by ridingwithcosimo at Garmin Connect - Details

On the way from Via Faentina toward the Autodromo Mugello.
This is one of the first times I felt safe to ride with one hand, 
as it was really windy.

The course for the granfondo and mediofondo goes right by 
the famous track, Autodromo Mugello.  Kind of cool.

The race entry to the auto / motorcycle track in the Mugello.

I am definitely mesmerized by how green it is in the countryside
these days.  This is on the way to Galliano.

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